Convey Law Help Chase to Raise £40,000.00

Newport Legal Practice help a Monmouth girl towards her life changing operation.
Only 9 months ago, the family of six year old Chase Vaughan set about raising £40,000.00 to pay for an operation that will change Chase’s life for the better. Chase was born 15 weeks premature, weighing just 1lb 8ozs. She suffered brain damage and was diagnosed with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy which affects her balance and co-ordination.
In the summer of last year, Chase and her family were provided with new hope in the form of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR). The new procedure which pinpoints the nerves in the spine that cause spasticity in the legs was pioneered in the US and was made available to Chase by Bristol’s Frenchay Hospital who agreed that Chase would be a suitable candidate. The catch was that in the UK, the operation and all of the associated therapy and after care would cost £40,000.00!
With the target set, Chase’s mum, Helen, began fundraising with the dream of providing her daughter with a life changing opportunity. Through Helen’s tireless work and her links with the Monmouth community ‘A Big Wish for Chase’ was brought to the attention of Convey Law’s Managing Director, Lloyd Davies, who is also chairman of Monmouth RFC.
Convey Law has held strong links with several charities over recent years and immediately welcomed the chance to help such a worthwhile cause so close to home. To help Chase, the specialist conveyancing company opened a Free Legal Fee competition to all of their clients. The competition offers clients the chance to win a full refund on their basic legal fees by donating £10.00 to A Big Wish for Chase.
This month, A Big Wish for Chase celebrated reaching their £40,000 target in just 9 months and Chase’s operation has been set for June. Through the Free Legal Fee Competition, Convey Law was able to donate £6,312.50 to the cause. Helen and Chase recently visited the Convey Law office to give the staff at Convey Law a chance to meet the little girl whose story they have followed so closely.
Lloyd Davies, Managing Director at Convey Law commented:
“We are delighted that Chase and Helen have reached their financial goal. Hearing that Chase has a final date for the operation is brilliant. Everyone here at Convey Law are so pleased for Chase and her family and we hope the operation is a huge success. Meeting Chase this week was wonderful and we are all looking forward to seeing Chase again after her operation.”
Chase’s mother, Helen Morgan commented:
“We are eternally grateful to all the team at Convey Law, particularly Lloyd whose help and support has been amazing. I know neither Chase nor I will ever forget the kindness and generosity shown by all those at Convey Law.”
May 14, 2013