Convey Law Raise £500 for Comic Relief

The trousers were off at Convey Law but all in the name of fundraising, when employees of Convey raised a staggering £500.00 for Comic Relief.
There were a number of ways the Convey Law employees raised the £500.00 total. £2 was donated by all staff to dress down for the day. Staff wore red clothing or arrived into the office in clothing they would wear for their favorite hobby? As Convey is based inWaleswe had quite a few staff members in rugby kit.
Maddy Watkins made a fantastic ‘Red Nose Monster’ cake that was auctioned off in a very funny and frantic email auction – oh the wonders of modern technology. Cake sales took place throughout the day as did a raffle of donated prizes.
But the biggest fund raising activity was a ‘Sponsored Leg Wax’, where CEO Lloyd Daviesand other brave male staff members ‘willingly’ joined in the fun, allowing their legs to be waxed! The stakes rose heavily as staff vied to be the one to pull the wax strips of Lloyd Davies’ legs.
Lloyd Davies CEO of Convey Law commented; “There was a great sense of fun throughout the day and a great sense of achievement when the final total of £500.00 was announced; the challenge has now be set to raise even more in 2012”.
Who said Conveyancing Lawyers couldn’t be fun?
March 18, 2011