Conveyancing Foundation & Convey Law Provide 11-year-old with ‘Gift of Independence’

Convey law, the newport-based law firm, today announced it has raised funds through the Conveyancing Foundation Charity Lotto to purchase a specially adapted recumbent bicycle for 11-year old, evan hale.
Evan suffers from cerebral palsy, which affects his balance and mobility. His two older brothers are very active and ride their bikes at every opportunity. Until now Evan has not been able to join them.
Ellie Richards, daughter of the company’s Legal Director, Gareth Richards, is a school friend of Evan’s. The pair recently discussed the charitable fundraising that Convey Law does through the Conveyancing Foundation and that they often look to assist with charitable causes wherever possible. Following this brief chat between two 11-year olds, Evan’s mother Rachel and the charity team at Convey Law started discussing how they could help make this dream come true.
The cost of the trike (£3,000) was a huge barrier. Convey Law, who undertake conveyancing transactions for clients throughout the whole of England and Wales, raised the money through the Conveyancing Foundation Charity Lotto, which invites clients to partake in a monthly prize draw where the winner receives £500 towards their legal fees.
The Conveyancing Foundation Charity Lotto helps conveyancers to raise funds for charities of their choosing – with over £450k being raised for charity in recent years. Convey Law are founding members of the Conveyancing Foundation.
Convey Law presented Evan with his new trike last month – it has given Evan greater independence to enjoy what he loves, while also helping to develop his muscles and co-ordination.
“Evan is on top of the world. It was a fabulous day for both of us. We took him out after school yesterday and to watch him zip off on his own is beyond amazing. You have given him the gift of independence and for that we are both extremely grateful.”
“This is exactly what the Conveyancing Foundation was designed to do – to help charities and those that need assistance to get on and enjoy their lives. The staff and clients of Convey Law should be very proud of their contribution in enriching Evan’s life. To see Evan’s face light up when he received his specially-adapted trike was truly amazing and his sheer enjoyment was completely infectious. Well done to you all and thank you.”