Wrong Trousers Day!

On Friday 4th July the Convey Law team dressed up to support Wrong Trousers Day in aid of Bristol Children’s Hospital, donating £1000 to the heartwarming cause!
We are pleased of our fundraising culture here at Convey Law, and are so pleased to have donated to The Grand Appeal, which will help support sick children and their families, through the toughest of times.
Established in 1995, Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal is the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children‘s charity. They help fund;
- Innovative Technology
“We invest in pioneering equipment and innovation to help save the lives on sick children and babies at Bristol Children’s Hospital, ensuring the hospital is at the forefront of paediatric care in the UK.”
They have funded equipment such as; intra-operative MRI scanner, cardiac hybrid theatre, neurosurgical robot and brain lab, paediatric intensive care unit, the limb reconstruction service and much more.
- Ground-breaking Research
“Investing today to help give babies and children across the country the best chance tomorrow.”
With The Grand Appeal’s funded research, they can stay ahead of the curve by finding new ways to prevent, treat and cure illnesses.
- Family Accommodation
With their charity accommodation based close to the Bristol Children’s Hospital, this gives their families the chance to be close to their child while they are staying in hospital.
- Wellbeing, Support and Rehabilitation
Both children and their families will have a lot of difficult feelings while they are in hospital which is why support and wellbeing are one of the important services provided by The Grand Appeal. For patients, this can include play therapy, sensory play and music therapy.
Find out more information about the charity here https://www.grandappeal.org.uk/