Convey Law Looks to the Future on Their 20th Anniversary

Convey Law celebrates its 20th anniversary this month, marking two decades of pioneering within the conveyancing community and championing charity and wellbeing initiatives. The new year will mark the next chapter for Convey Law with exciting leadership changes and building on the successes of the past 20 years.
After two decades of transformative leadership as Managing Director of Convey Law and over ten years in guiding the Conveyancing Foundation as Chairman, Lloyd Davies is handing over the responsibility, whilst continuing to play an active role within the conveyancing community.
Lloyd commented: “It has been a real pleasure in establishing and building Convey Law and the Conveyancing Foundation and in working with some wonderful people over the course of the last 20 years. We have achieved some wonderful conveyancing charity and wellbeing initiatives through the Conveyancing Foundation. Convey Law becoming the leading charity fundraising legal practice in the UK will undoubtedly always be one of our greatest achievements.
“It is an exciting time for the conveyancing industry with new technology and I very much look forward to pioneering our IT development projects. It is “tough at the top” as they say, and this has always been part of our succession planning and after 20 years it is time to pass on the baton of responsibility.”
Janine Wellington steps confidently into her new role as Managing Director of Convey Law, bringing with her over 25 years of extensive experience in residential conveyancing and legal practice management, having prepared for this for this leadership position while excelling as Head of Residential Conveyancing for the past two years.
Janine commented: “I am delighted to be taking up the role of Managing Director. We have enjoyed a great year in celebrating our 20th anniversary with Conveyancing accolades at the British Conveyancing Awards and the ESTAS Client Service Awards and just last month we entered the top 100 Best Companies to Work for in the country for the first time. We have a great family team here at Convey Law and I look forward to building on our strong foundations and in providing great client focussed and innovative conveyancing services.”
Jess Smith current Trustee and COO becomes Chairlady of the Conveyancing Foundation and Co-Chair along with David Opie of Todays Media and Rob Hailstone of the Bold Legal Group. Jess commented: “It is a great privilege to be Co-Chair of the Foundation and in building on Lloyd’s hard work and endeavours over the last decade. It is an exciting time for the Foundation with the inclusion of National Conveyancing Week and Wellbeing at Work Week into the Foundation calendar next year as well as building on our charity and wellbeing initiatives.”
Legal Director Phillip Edwards will be retiring from Convey Law at the end of the year. Phill is one of the great Convey Law success stories, from working in a paralegal role, to becoming one of Convey Law’s most celebrated Conveyancers to Legal Director over the course of two decades. Phill commented: “It has been a fantastic journey, working with some wonderful people and in providing the best possible client service together. I will miss my Convey family and friends dearly and wish everyone all the very best for the future.”
Lloyd commented: “Phill has been the life and soul of Convey Law for so long and is a consummate conveyancing professional. We are very proud of his achievements during his time with us and we wish him all the very best and hope to work with him in a consultancy capacity in the future
“It will be business as usual at Convey Law and the Conveyancing Foundation and I look forward to seeing both organisations continuing their successful trajectory. We have built a great, professional, supportive, family environment at Convey Law, culminating in our Top 100 Best Companies to Work For awards this year, which was quite a brilliant way to start the next 20 yest campaign! Both Janine and Jess are first class conveyancing and business professionals, and I very much look forward to seeing the potential of these organisations flourish and develop with their guidance and leadership.”
December 13, 2024