Land Registry Property Alert Service

Our Legal Director and Society of Licensed Conveyancers Board Member, Gareth Richards, attended a positive meeting with the Land Registry on the 13th February 2018 to discuss the next phase development of the Property Alert Service.
The Property Alert Service is a fantastic tool designed to assist in the prevention of property fraud as once registered, a user will receive automatic e-mail alerts from the Land Registry in relation to any Land Registry activity relating to a particular property.
The Property Alert Service is free of charge to users and allows the user to monitor up to 10 properties at a time, receiving real time notifications of any Land Registry activity on these properties and biyearly status reports listing any and all activity for each property.
Further details in relation to the Property Alert system can be found via
Gareth Richards commented “It was a real privilege for my fellow Society Board Member, Nigel Bradley and I to meet with the team that developed and presently maintain the award winning Property Alert Service and it was an honour to be invited to discuss, comment and advise upon the next stage development of the Service. The Land Registry’s commitment to improving the Service, for the benefit of the consumer and property professionals is most welcomed and we look forward to seeing the development proposals being implemented in the very near future”
Picture – Convey Law Legal Director Gareth Richards (right) and fellow Society of Licensed Conveyancers Board Member Nigel Bradley (left) attending the Land Registry to comment/advise on the Property Alert Service.
February 14, 2018